Friday, February 3, 2012

The Diet Food of Mexican Actresses

If you have spoken to me recently, you have probably heard me say that the food in Mexico is delicious, but not exactly on the healthy-side.  Sadly, Mexico has now beaten the US for the unfortunate title of having the highest obesity rate in the world.  So in this environment, I want to introduce you to an amazingly delicious and healthy snack (or if you are an actress, a very light meal.)

This snack is immensely popular here (proof of this is that my husband taught me to make it) and it took center-stage in a story related to my by one of my Spanish teachers.  Now, as this story was told to me in Spanish, you will have to be a bit generous with me as I do not have all the details that I would like.  (Or check back with me in about 3 years, I am hoping my Spanish will be amazing by then.)

My teacher and a group of her (teacher?) friends went to a very fancy and well know restaurant here in Mexico City.  As their meal was very delicious, they decided that this would be a great time to have dessert.  After ordering dessert, in walked at least two very famous people.  As they were described to be tall, thin, and very beautiful, I am assuming that they were actresses.  Everyone at my teacher's table was cranking their heads to get a look at these visions of beauty and they were wondering what they would order.  As my teacher's friends found out, the answer to that question was: Water, Cucumber, Carrots, and Jicama.  After seeing that, they very sadly went back to their desserts.

When I first heard that story, I thought that was the saddest meal I had ever heard of.  To go to a fancy, well-known restaurant and eat a meal you could have bought of the street.  But after trying it, I think those actresses were on to something...

Raw Vegetables with Lime-Chili Sauce
- 1 Lime
- 1 Cucumber
- 1 Jicama
- 2 to 4 Carrots
- Dried Mexican Chili Powder for Vegetables (like Tajin)

Assemble your washed ingredients along with a cutting board, knife, peeler, and small bowl
Cut the lime in half and peel the vegetables
If you want to, you can cut the cucumber all fancy as Ismael did
Peel the carrots into nice strips and cut the jicama into thick slices, cutting some into "sticks"
Pour about 1-2 tb of chile into a small bowl, squeeze the lime on top, and mix
Make it look pretty and either dip the vegetables into the sauce or pour the sauce over them.  Enjoy!

Now honestly, when Ismael told me he was going to teach me this recipe - I was not expecting much in the flavor department.  I must say, this recipe completely blew me away.  It was awesome and very addictive.  I had a hard time stopping dipping my jicama in the lime-chili sauce!  Very low in calories (and if you have some nice fresh vegetables), amazing.  My only problem?  No protein.  Which meant that about 2 hours after gorging on jicama, I was hungry again.  Just something to keep in mind...

Enjoy your veggies!

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