Monday, November 14, 2011

The Beginning of the Adventure

Welcome to my long-awaiting for cooking blog!

Well, I think at least a few of you have been hoping that I would do this... maybe four of you?

To bring everyone up to date, in July of this year, I married my amazing husband Ismael and moved to his hometown of Mexico City.  Since then, I have been taking 4 hours of Spanish class every weekday, setting up a new house, exploring the city, and, of course, learning how to cook Mexican food.

I am hoping this blog will be a combination of some great Mexican recipes, some old favorites from the US, and some insight into the Mexican culture and lifestyle.

So far, I have really enjoyed my time living here and I am hoping to share some of the things I love with you.

~ Kim


  1. I'm so glad you're writing a blog! I'm curious to know more about life in Mexico, cooking tips, and generally just keep up w/ what's going on in your life :-) Love you, miss you! God bless!

  2. o, and by the way, i like the background of your blog :-)

  3. Beautiful, Kim. Thanks, and I too will learn a lot by reading this.
